Thank you above all to my advisor, Grisha Coleman, who has for several years been a friend, mentor, rescuer, and who has endured me and provided support in situations where no other rational person would. Grisha, you deserve a medal.

Thanks to my brother John, whose scrupulousness has greatly enhanced the readability and grammatical accuracy of this document.

Thanks also to my committee members for supporting me in this endeavour. Thanks to the many faculty members in the School of Arts, Media + Engineering and elsewhere at ASU and other universities, my fellow students, friends and everyone who has provided feedback and encouragement along the way. Thanks also to the technical staff at ASU, who have provided invaluable technical support for this work. Without all of you this would not have been possible. Thanks also to my committee members for supporting me in this endeavour. Thanks to the many faculty members in the School of Arts, Media + Engineering and elsewhere at ASU and other universities, my fellow students, friends and everyone who has provided feedback and encouragement along the way. Thanks also to the technical staff at ASU, who have provided invaluable technical support for this work. Without all of you this would not have been possible.