
Piezo Disc


Main Image of Piezo Disc (35mm), 35 mm piezo disc without lead wires
Detail number  1 of Piezo Disc (35mm), 35 mm piezo disc without lead wires
Detail number  2 of Piezo Disc (35mm), 35 mm piezo disc without lead wires
35 mm piezo disc without lead wires
This is a piezo disc. It is 35mm in diameter. It can be used in conjunction with Marshmallow DIY preamp to make The World's Greatestâ„¢ contact microphone.

Note that this disc does not have lead wires attached, so you will have to solder your own on. You will have to solder one wire to the outer brass rim of the disc. By convention, this wire is normally considered the ground or negative part of the disc. You have to solder another wire to the inner gray part of the disc. This part of the disc burns away very easily, so it is recommended to tin the wire and the iron, and then solder the wire on as quickly as possible. By convention this is usually considered the the positive part of the disc.

We also sell a 20mm disc with lead wires already attached.

Note that the Marshmallow DIY Kit already includes a piezo disc.
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