| _ \ ___ (_)_ __ | |_ ___
| |_) / _ \| | '_ \| __| / __|
| __/ (_) | | | | | |_ | (__
|_| \___/|_|_| |_|\__(_)___|
An ANSI-C class to manipulate cartesian points
compile with: gcc Point.c
| |_ ___ __ _ __| |___ _ _
| ' \/ -_) _` / _` / -_) '_|
#include //<stdlib.h>
#include //<stdio.h>
#include //<math.h>
//instance variables---------------------------------------------
typedef struct
float x, y;
//class methods--------------------------------------------------
Point* alloc();
Point* newPointWithXAndY (float xVal, float yVal );
Point* newPointWithRhoAndTheta(float rho, float theta);
//instance methods-----------------------------------------------
Point* init (Point* self);
void destroy (Point* self);
float theta (Point* self);
float rho (Point* self);
float x (Point* self);
float y (Point* self);
void setX (Point* self, float value);
void setY (Point* self, float value);
void setRho (Point* self, float value);
void setTheta (Point* self, float value);
void setRhoAndTheta (Point* self, float rho, float theta);
(_)_ __ _ __| |___ _ __ ___ _ _| |_ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _
| | ' \| '_ \ / -_) ' \/ -_) ' \ _/ _` | _| / _ \ ' \
|_|_|_|_| .__/_\___|_|_|_\___|_||_\__\__,_|\__|_\___/_||_|
#define x(point) (point->x)
#define y(point) (point->y)
#define setX(point, value) (point->x = value)
#define setY(point, value) (point->y = value)
Point* alloc()
return malloc(sizeof(Point));
Point* newPointWithXAndY(float xVal, float yVal)
Point* p = alloc(); p = init(p);
setX(p, xVal);
setY(p, yVal);
return p;
Point* newPointWithRhoAndTheta(float rho, float theta)
Point* p = alloc(); p = init(p);
setRho (p, rho);
setTheta(p, theta);
return p;
Point* init(Point* self)
setX(self, 0); setY(self, 0);
return self;
void destroy(Point* self)
float theta(Point* self)
return atan2f(y(self), x(self));
float rho(Point* self)
return sqrt( pow(x(self), 2) + pow(y(self), 2) );
void setRho(Point* self, float value)
setRhoAndTheta(self, value, theta(self));
void setTheta(Point* self, float value)
setRhoAndTheta(self, rho(self), value);
void setRhoAndTheta(Point* self, float rho, float theta)
self->x = rho*cosf(theta);
self->y = rho*sinf(theta);
_ __ __ _(_)_ _
| ' \/ _` | | ' \
int main()
Point* p1 = newPointWithXAndY(3245, 4567.35);
Point* p2 = newPointWithRhoAndTheta(rho(p1), theta(p1));
printf("x(p2) = %f, y(p2) = %f\n", x(p2), y(p2));
| _ \ ___ (_)_ __ | |_ _ __ ___
| |_) / _ \| | '_ \| __| | '_ ` _ \
| __/ (_) | | | | | |_ _| | | | | |
|_| \___/|_|_| |_|\__(_)_| |_| |_|
An Objective-C class to manipulate cartesian points
compiile with: gcc Point.m -lobjc
| |_ ___ __ _ __| |___ _ _
| ' \/ -_) _` / _` / -_) '_|
#import //<objc/Object.h>
#import //<stdio.h>
#import //<math.h>
//instance variables---------------------------------------------
@interface Point : Object
float x, y;
//class methods--------------------------------------------------
+(id) alloc;
+(Point*) newPointWithX: (float)xVal andY: (float)yVal;
+(Point*) newPointWithRho:(float)rho andTheta:(float)theta;
//instance methods-----------------------------------------------
-(id) init;
-(void) destroy;
-(float) theta;
-(float) rho;
-(float) x;
-(float) y;
-(void) setX: (float) value;
-(void) setY: (float) value;
-(void) setRho: (float) value;
-(void) setTheta: (float) value;
-(void) setRho: (float)rho andTheta:(float)theta;
(_)_ __ _ __| |___ _ __ ___ _ _| |_ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _
| | ' \| '_ \ / -_) ' \/ -_) ' \ _/ _` | _| / _ \ ' \
|_|_|_|_| .__/_\___|_|_|_\___|_||_\__\__,_|\__|_\___/_||_|
@implementation Point
-(float)x{return x;}
-(float)y{return y;}
+(id) alloc
return [super alloc];
+(Point*)newPointWithX:(float)xVal andY:(float)yVal
Point* p = [[Point alloc] init];
[p setX: xVal];
[p setY: yVal];
return p;
+(Point*) newPointWithRho:(float)rho andTheta:(float)theta
Point* p = [[Point alloc] init];
[p setRho: rho];
[p setTheta: theta];
return p;
-(id) init
self = [super init];
[self setX: 0]; [self setY: 0];
return self;
-(void) destroy
[self free];
-(float) theta
return atan2f([self y], [self x]);
-(float) rho
return sqrt( pow([self x], 2) + pow([self y], 2) );
-(void) setRho:(float) value
[self setRho: value andTheta: [self theta]];
-(void) setTheta: (float) value
[self setRho: [self rho] andTheta: value];
-(void) setRho:(float)rho andTheta:(float)theta
x = rho*cosf(theta);
y = rho*sinf(theta);
_ __ __ _(_)_ _
| ' \/ _` | | ' \
int main()
Point* p1 = [Point newPointWithX: 3245 andY: 4567.35];
Point* p2 = [Point newPointWithRho: [p1 rho] andTheta: [p1 theta]];
printf("[p2 x] = %f, [p2 y] = %f\n", [p2 x], [p2 y]);
[p1 destroy];
[p2 destroy];